Uta No Princess Eredmnyei
2013.11.01. 18:08
1st Placed Horse in Living's Violet de Vida Tiszteletverseny,Beautiful Horse in I Love Paris Appearance,1st Placed of I Love Paris Appearance,EXCELLENT, 2nd Placed Horse in Movie About Me,Excellent Horse,EXCELLENT,2nd Placed of I Love London Galopp Cup,Better Horse in I Love London Galopp Cup,11th on Spanish Grand Prix,GOOD,3rd Placed Horse in Galopp in May,Good Galopp Horse
1. helyezsek:
Living's Violet de Vida Tiszteletverseny | kzptv | benigma.gp
I Love Paris Appearance | moulin rouge | eilk.gp
2. helyezsek:
Movie about me | galopp | perfections.gp
I love London galopp | kzptv | eilk.gp
3. helyezsek:
Galopp in May | kzptv | perfections.gp
Egyb helyezsek:
11. hely: Spanish Grand Prix | andalusian stakes | pimlico-races.gp
4. hely: Phoenix Galopp Race | kzptv | ponysland.gp